Keep Up Your Favorite Hobby


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 290th Way

It´s hard to believe that ashtanga yoga is my all-time-favorite hobby.  I´ve done the whole practice (that takes about 1,5 hours) ONCE (It was this one time in April when I went to a yoga class) during this year. I´ve done about half of my practice twice and the beginning, that means some sun salutions, maximum of 10 times. Besides them I´ve done a little bit of stretching (for example before breakfast) maybe once a week. Sounds bad. Yes, it does and it´s not what I´d like to do. I´d like to do my whole yoga practice 4 times per week like I did when Unna was a baby. But the reality is that it just isn´t possible. Not in this life situation. Not when the children are still this small.

So why even bother trying to keep my hobby alive when clearly there is no time for that? Why bother to memorize my yoga practice when I only have a change to do it once a month?


Keeping up your favorite hobby is important, because later, when you have more time, it helps you to get back to it so much easier.

The fact, that you don´t have time for your hobbies when your children are small, doesn´t mean that you don´t EVER going to have time. It´s important to realize that YOU WILL HAVE TIME. Not just yet.

If you forget your hobby for a too long time, there´s a chance that you´ll never going to get back to it later. If you forget your skills it´s going to be more and more difficult to activate yourself again. You may loose the connection to your hobby. And if you don´t do what you love to do, you also forget the good things it has brought into your life. It´s the same with the marriage; If the couple don´t keep up their relationship alive when the children are small they have a bigger chance to loose the connection. They start to grow apart. And when the children are bigger they notice that they can´t get the connection back.

This morning I remembered that me and my yoga mat had last met in the beginning of August. “Too long ago”, I said to myself. That´s why I asked my husband to go out with our girls in the afternoon so that I was able to do my yoga practice. And that is what I did this day. Asana instructions and a candle light next to me I did my practice alone!! It felt so good!! It felt so good in my body and mind that in the end, during my relaxation (Savasana) I got tears of happiness and wellbeing in my eyes 🙂

So keeping up my all-time-favorite ashtanga yoga hobby – that´s what my day was made out of!




Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 Ways To Wellbeing”.

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