Donate Some Of Your Things That You Don’t Use Or Need Anymore


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 87th Way

“There is no point to use my very limited free time and energy for just moving unnecessary items from one place to another”.

That´s what I concluded already some time ago. That´s when I started my long time project called “SIMPLIFICATION OF LIFE”. I started to think more closely what things and stuff I really need for my life and what I really want to save. Since that already a lot of stuff has left our home. Like clothes that I haven´t used for 5 years.

Now it was time to get rid of these old shoes, handbags, tablecloths, curtains, yarns and jackets.


This week hasn´t been the best week for me. That`s why I became really happy when my husband told that he wouldn´t need to use our car. I didn´t want to stay at home so I decided to visit my mother with the girls where also my little sister was.

This day I became happy because most of my unnecessary old stuff were actually needed. My mother and little sister were happy to get some of them. Donating – that made me feel good this day!




Instead of punch of bags I was able to go home only with only one bag. For the Easter we also collected catkins with Unna to take home.

And we didn´t need to go home with an empty stomach either because my mother made us pancakes. This was definitely already a better day than the last ones!




Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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