Never Get Enough


The winter morning was hectic. I was alone with the children since my husband was in China on a business travel. I drove to Savonlinna for work after I had got our youngest one to the daycare and the older one to the school.

As I reached the town the sun was rising. The weather was terribly cold, -25°C. Luckily it was still tough. I decided to take a moment before my work meeting to go to Riihisaari and walk to Olavinlinna castle to see the sunrise. 

Silently the fog was floating on the freezing lake water. It was so quiet that you could hear your own breathing.

The peace that was in the air made it hard to believe that it was an ordinary Tuesday. The atmosphere was breathtaking.

A couple of other town residents passed me by when I was taking photos and breathing in the beauty of the winter morning. We changed a few words and laughed together how cold it was but how we all felt that we wanted to come here to enjoy the moment.

Then, unspoken, we gave each other space and peacefulness to admire the sunrise on our own.

Besides my home region’s Punkaharju ridge road, I never get tired of the surroundings of Olavinlinna castle. In all four seasons, it looks so different yet the castle is always standing there like it has stood since the Middle Ages.

It makes me feel safe to know that no matter what happens or whatever life’s storms hit me, there’s always this calming and lasting surrounding to come and recharge. 

Sunsets are beautiful but so are the sunrises too. Never get tired of them either.  

Turn your face to the Sun, and all the shadows fall behind you. Share on X

I’m grateful that I got a chance to experience and share this winter sunrise with you.

Remember, that the time you use watching the Sun is not time wasted. And as many sunrises and sunsets, you are able to include in your life, the better.

So happy that February is soon here and the daylight is getting longer. Welcome again Sun!

You find summer photos of Olavinlinna castle from my story “Savonlinna – Finnish Small-town idyll in Saimaa. Here, on the other hand, you find spring photos taken from our small boat, and here -in the end of my story- you find 360°video(3:27 – 5:40) where we go around the castle with our bigger boat home.

See also more information about Olavinlinna castle here.

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