3 Lessons From A Vegetable Garden


Vegetable gardening. It has taught us so much!


1. Acceptance

We like to think that our life is in our control. Why? Well, it gives us the feeling of safety. But in life (and in vegetable garden) things don’t always go as planned.


Vegetable garden, being only partly controllable, teaches you about acceptance. When wind and rain hits the fields you just have to let it go and say “it’s not my fault”. First it’s the end of the world but later just a small setback.

Over the time, that attitude magically spreads in your everyday life. So if something uncontrollable happens (as it will happen) you tend to be more okay with it. You realize it really isn’t the end of the world.


2. Appreciation

Sometimes we get what we want quite easily and without effort. There’s a danger that it makes us to take things for granted. That’s only human, but it also affects how we value things.


Vegetable garden makes you work. It makes you happy. It makes you to disappoint. You can’t take it for granted.


You have to sweat for every carrot your dreaming to eat. It’s a long term job. Through your efforts and patience you learn to appreciate food, nature and even yourself more.


3. Relaxedness

Stressing out, being constantly busy, trying to control everything, wondering is this the life I want to live…. We’ve all been there. 


Birds chirping, warm summer breeze on your skin, the scent of freshly cut herbs… Aah.. It’s impossible to be only stressed out in vegetable garden.

You’re connected to the earth and your surroundings through your dirty hands. You feel serene. You feel at ease.


This will be the 5th summer in our vegetable garden.

The first summer was all about learning the basics.

By the second summer I had already forgotten everything, so I basically had to start from the scratch.

Third summer was learning to organize vegetable gardening work with two small children and fight against the chronic lack of time.

Fourth summer I knew it! Vegetable gardening will be a part of our summers forever on!


What kind of a vegetable gardening summer we’re expecting to have now? I have NO IDEA. The only thing that’s certain is that we’re going to learn something new again.

Something that may be nothing to do with the plants, but with life. And how to make it better.


(Photos: Marianne)

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