A walk outside helps to recover from day`s work


You are going to see a lot of pictures here in SaimaaLife where our family is on a walk together. It is a one way for us to spend time together as a family and we like it a lot. Like many other families and couples we like to go for a walk on Sundays – like we did on this beautiful November Sunday. However it is not uncommon to see our family walking together in our home town Savonlinna on weekdays and in the evenings.


A walk outside helps to relax and refresh yourself

Everyone has spent days totally inside. Especially if your job is an indoor job and you`re in the middle of a busy period in your life, it is common to notice at some point that you haven`t actually been outside for weeks. How does it feel? Probably you feel yourself stuffy and tired. You desire more unhealthy food, like candies and fast food. And the possibility to lose your nerves is closer both at work and at home. Not a nice feeling all in all. For your wellbeing`s sake it is important to try to prevent this kind of a vicious circle to begin. Or try to stop it as soon as you`ll notice it.

There are many ways to stop this vicious circle. One way, that works for me, is to arrange time every once in a while for a small evening walk outside after day`s work. I`ll do it often with my family but sometimes also alone or with my friend – what ever feels good at that time and is possible to arrange.

After day`s work and duties it`s relaxing and refreshing to enjoy some outdoor recreation. Walking outside after work helps to recover from work. Your stress level decreases, you`ll get valuable fresh air, your appetite improves and you`ll sleep better after being outside.

Everyone knows that working people`s evenings are short – or the amount of free time in general. That`s why, instead of using that precious free time for whining about your tiredness and making excuses for not going outside, it`s important to just do it. 

And remember; it doesn`t need to take hours – already a small, like 30 minutes, outdoor recreation makes miracles for your wellbeing!

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