Last August we painted the room. Last October we were able to put the wall stickers on the wall. I had hoped to get the bookshelves ready too before the New Year. I hoped but couldn´t get myself to do that. There was always something more important, just like there often is in families with small children.
This week I decided to do it. I decided to get a grip of myself and finish the girls room by painting the bookshelves so my husband could install them.
I´m so happy that I did it because my work turned out to be really refreshing small project for me! It was so relaxing to paint the bookshelves alone and work with my hands a little bit. And not to mention about the feeling I got when I saw the beautiful result of my work!
So if you have something similar on your mind, something that you´ve planned to do but could´t get yourself to do it – a decorating idea, a handcraft, whatever. Something that is not too laborious but the kind of a task you know would bring you a lot of joy. Do it now!
Refreshing small projects bring nice variation to your everyday life. Finishing a task, even a small one, will take pressure of from your mind. You’ll feel so good when you see the result of your work! I recommend!

We made the bookshelves from materials that we didn’t use on our previous renovation.

My husband sanded the bookshelves and I chose the paint.

When the girls fell asleep, I started to paint. I enjoyed the silence of our home and working with my hands so much!

Wood is my material. No matter if it´s restaration of old furnitures or painting. The main thing is that it´s wood that I´m working with.

In summertime I have the vegetable garden. When I was painting, I thought that I need something for the wintertime. Who knows if I’ll start my restoration hobby again next winter…

Looking good already!

I painted the next layer of paint in the morning while drinking my morning coffee. It was a relaxing way to start the day!

Drilling is my husband’s work in our house.

Girls are waiting for the outcome…

…and all the dolls too.

I made the right choice with the color. Yippee!

Handmade elephant that Liilia´s god parent made found its place too.

Almost from a decorating magazine.

Our project is finished and mom and girls are happy! The children´s room was my favorite room already before this but now I like it even more 🙂