Moisturize Your Whole Body


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 8th Way

I have dry skin that needs moisturizing a lot and often. Now when it`s wintertime here in Finland, my skin needs even more moisturizing because of cold and dry air. I usually moisturize my skin with extra virgin coconut oil (Yes, it`s the same oil that you can also use for cooking). It`s a pure nature product and moisturizes my skin perfectly. I love, love, love it! That is also the only moisturizer that I use for Unna`s skin.

However, oil absorbs slowly into skin and as a mother of two small children, I seldom have time to wait – or I don`t want to use my precious free time for waiting. 😉 My little sister knows about my coconut addiction. That`s why she bought me Yver Rocher`s Malaysian coconut silky body lotion as a gift. It was a great gift because it absorbs really fast and moisturizes well. And I love the smell of coconut in it!

Whole body moisturize – that’s what I did after having sauna. It felt so good!







Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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