Nature In Mind Interview:
Arctic Power Berries


Let me introduce to you Anna and Eveliina, women behind the East London based start-up company Arctic Power Berries. I found them on Instagram and instantly fell in love with their delicious photos and products. Arctic Power Berries ships worldwide 100% pure berry powders from Finland. As a berry lover I can’t say anything else than “How great is that!!”

This winter I had a chance to meet and interview these inspiring young entrepreneurs and hear what kind of a role nature plays in their life.


1. Tell about a memorable moment when being in nature has helped you in your life’s challenges?

We grew up in Lapland Finland, 25 kilometres from the city surrounded by clean, quiet forest. Nature has grown to be a part of our identity, who we are and how we behave. It is built in us. Since being a little kid, spending hours building tree houses up to this day when nature is needed to help us let go of all the stress, hassle and busyness we sometimes experience living in such a big city as London. Think nature is the way to survive through ‘down’ – periods.

Cross country skiing, running, walking or picking berries in the quiet nature is the best, the most efficient and cheapest way to relax.

It’s like having a good night sleep before making big decisions, things that might feel like the worst, start making a little more sense when you’re in a quiet place where you feel like you belong.

It is hard to draw down to one memorable experience, it’s the whole big picture: Nature has shaped us who we are today. 

2. What kind of relationship do you have with nature? Has it changed over time?

A lot more respectful than before. We really value the clean nature. It’s something that should not be taken for granted. That’s probably the way it has changed, as mentioned before we crew up having nature right there as a playground and all the million possibilities to do in there. Once you  move away it all, see and hear how the precious nature gets destroyed around the globe, it really makes you open your eyes for the blessing. 


3. What’s your favorite thing to do in nature and why?

Sports. You stop looking at the time, others or anything else you might do at the gym. Being in nature makes you concentrate on your own thoughts, surrounding and breathing. It’s also the way to spend a quality time by yourself or with the family and friends.

Somehow even the simplest meals taste so much better outside in the fresh air. Share on X

The trips to the forest with tasty sandwiches in your back-bag washed down with refreshing berry smoothie are amazing.

It is also the feeling after. Red cheeks, fresh lungs, clear mind and relaxed soul.

Then sauna and the best good night sleep can be ensured.

4. Have you got any plans how to develop your relationship with nature in the future?

As mentioned living in one of the Europe’s biggest and busiest cities needs the opposite time to time. Flying back home in every two months to charge the batteries does so good and is much needed.

Think nature is something that the bond is also getting stronger within the age, the relationship gets stronger, maybe it is the understanding of it all, the power of nature and the respect towards it. 

We’ll develop it in such a way that we’re hoping to spend even more time by the pretty nature of our homeland, but also nearby London. There are many peaceful parks etc. right outside the main city. So definitely finding a lot more time to spend in nature but also hoping to do a bit more travelling and see how to nature varies in different parts of the world. 


5. Based on your experience what practical advices would you give to those who want to have more quality to their lives with the help of nature?

It doesn’t need to be the most beautiful mountains, snowy trees or bursting sunshine. Sometimes you can get the best outcome and feeling when it is pouring rain and you just go outside with no expectations. 

Start with little, if you’re not used to spend a lot of time in the nature, go first for five to ten minutes. Leave your phone home and learn slowly just to be. 

Learn to respect the nature, the animals, the trees, the ground and the sky. Don’t take them for granted. Understand that everything has a reason to be there. 

Make it fun. Being surrounded by nature doesn’t need to be walking in there by yourself with your own thoughts staring the sky.

Go with your friends, family, bring good food, drinks, play games, let your hair down, smile and just be! 


Arctic Power Berries on InstagramFacebook and Twitter.

Read the first Nature In Mind Interview.

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