Break Your Monday Routine


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 49th Way

After Unna was born I`ve chosen to keep Mondays as “home days”. It has meant that I haven`t agreed any meetings or visits on that day. On weekends we usually visit somewhere or be away for the whole weekend. We`ve enjoyed our trips but they are also tiring. That`s why on Mondays it has been nice to spend a peaceful day just at home.

When you do something in a similar way very long time, also things that you enjoy tend to feel boring at some point. Nice routines turn into boring routines. I`ve noticed that it has started to happen with our Monday routine.

That`s why I said happily “YES!” when Mari (one of my guest writers)  asked me and the girls to come and have tea with her and Riikka who is also a good friend of mine.

One of my biggest dream is to make my own living one day – be an entrepreneur in other words. Both Mari and Riikka are already running their own companies. They have also offices under the same roof and shared webpage. It`s always great to meet friends but meeting Mari and Riikka is inspiring for me because they represent something that I`d like to be someday!

We had really talkative and fun women`s tea moment together this Monday afternoon. It was definitely a good idea to break my Monday routine and start a week in a little bit different way!







Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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