Recipe For Spicy Vegetable Soup With A Twist Of Lemon


Warm and tasty vegetable soup. How good it is in a chilly autumn day or cold winter evening!

Vegetable soup is the cornerstone of our family’s everyday food. Lately I’ve been looking for a little bit different way to do it than before. This recipe is the result of it.


The main ingredients of this healthy but delicious soup are carrots and potatoes. We all know that carrots are good for your eye sight (among many other things) but what about potatoes?

Potatoes many avoid nowadays. We don’t. Partly because they are so ridiculously cheap and easy to grow, partly because the several health benefits of potatoes.


But the recipe for this simple but so so vitamin-rich potato-carrot soup. This is what you need:


Kettle of Spicy Vegetable Soup With A Twist Of Lemon

  • Olive oil
  • 1 big onion
  • 1 single clove garlic / 5 small cloves of garlic
  • 2 tsp curry
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 6 big potatoes
  • 6 big carrots
  • 1 l vegetable broth (1 l water + 1 vegetable bouillon cube)
  • 100 g unflavored processed cheese
  • 2 dl cream
  • salt
  • lemon

And this is how you do it:







Potatoes gives this vegetable soup lovely texture but honestly said the taste of potato is quite boring. That’s why you need spicies and lemon.

All boredom of potato-carrot soup disappears with some warming spicies and sour lemon. Share on X

I was totally surprised when I noticed what an incredibly delicious twist lemon juice gave to this soup.

I warmly recommend you to try too!


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