Just Do It!


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 210th Way

It has been a bit of a surprise that even on our holiday our days have been full of everything. But in a good way. It’s just the reality of a family with children.

My mom called me this day and said that spinach needs to be cut. From experience I know it takes a day. A day I felt I didn’t had at that very moment. But we use spinach quite a lot so I really wanted to have the thing done. So we started to plan what would be the best way to do it, when, how, what about children, what about this and that. Very soon we came to a conclusion that there is just one way to do it. To just do it and not to think.

So I jumped into a car with the children and drove to the grandmas’. I cut spinach and put it into a freezer. With the children. And it took a day.

This day it was right thing to do and not to think. The job is done!



Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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